Now required for ALL staff in child care, adult day care, assisted living and personal care facilities in Georgia. As you may or may not be aware the Office of Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire website has changed.
All students must use the Caregiver Portal to register for a class.
Caregiver Student Account Login and Set Up
Caregiver Student Video Tutorial
Please complete the student account login and setup before class begins. After you have created your account, login to your email to retrieve your username. Create a password with the new username. Login to your account with the assigned username and the password that you created. Under Available applications choose caregiver student and apply now. Associate your name with your employer. Choose caregiver student- initial. Choose the date of the application. Enter your password. Click Submit. You can then register through their portal on which class you want to take.
Leona Hill
Central Georgia Life Safety Fire Educator
Life Safety Fire Education
Office of Commissioner John F. King
Two Martin Luther King Jr Drive SE
9th Floor West Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
C: 470.692.5843
$25 per person